Free (Save The Kids Book 4) Read online

Page 16

  Jeremy nodded, but as they sat eating in silence, he hoped D was right. Everything was on the line. The two of them had the most to lose. They were already wanted, already on the run. It was hard to put his trust in someone when his life was on the line, but it was the only choice he had.


  Considering Beau had pretty much already interviewed Rani as far as job skills went, D wasn't sure what he was going to say when the two doctors showed up. Mostly, he just needed to know that Rani would have the stomach to deal with the things they dealt with every day.

  It also made him wonder if he could find a team counselor like they had in California. He had no idea how Katie had joined the team. It was another thing he needed to talk to Bryon about when he got time. As much as he hated that Bryon had forced them to go talk to a counselor every so often, it did help. While he never opened up about his past, he had talked a lot about the things he'd seen while with the team. Seeing children raped and tortured took its toll on a mind, and he wanted his team to have someone to speak with if they needed it.

  The front door opened, and D glanced at Jeremy as they waited at the kitchen table. He sensed Jeremy's nervousness. This was all new to him. He'd been uprooted and forced into a life he'd never imagined. It had to be hard on him.

  "Hi, guys." Beau walked in, followed by a tall, dark-skinned, Middle Eastern man. He wasn't what D had expected at all. The man was at least six-foot-four and thick like a linebacker on a football team. A neatly trimmed beard covered his face, but it didn't hide the friendly smile. "I'd like you to meet Rani."

  D and Jeremy both stood at the same time. He waited as Jeremy introduced himself and shook Rani's hand before he moved forward and did the same. "I'm D. It's a pleasure to meet you. Beau speaks highly of you."

  "Ah, thank you, but I can't say enough good about Beau. He saved my niece's life when he was visiting my country. That's something I'll never be able to pay back." Rani smiled at Beau.

  "It was nothing. I was just in the right place at the right time." Beau waved him off as he walked to the fridge. "Would you like beer, soda, or water?"

  "Water is fine," Rani said as he took the seat Jeremy offered to him.

  "So, how are you liking Colorado so far?" D asked as he sat back down.

  "I haven't had much time to see it. I just got into town today, but from our short drive here, I think it's beautiful. Much nicer than all those buildings in New York." Rani took the water Beau handed him. "I'm hoping I get to stick around long enough to explore it more."

  Jeremy smiled. "So are we."

  Rani sat forward, his gaze moving between D and Jeremy. "Beau has filled me in on what my job would be."

  "I warned him about all the sprained ankles." Beau winked at D.

  D flipped him off. "Kasey is just as bad."

  "I'd have to sit down and remember each time, but I'm pretty sure you have him beat." Beau grinned. "Anyway, sorry to interrupt."

  Rani smiled. "I'm more than okay handling the simple things like sprains and cuts, even if they aren't related to your… Um, business?"

  Jeremy shrugged. "I guess you could call it that."

  "Beau also warned me of the more severe things he's had to deal with. I'm used to stabbings and have seen my share of gun violence, and even a few terroristic acts during my career. While I'd like to think I can handle everything, and I am pretty sure I can handle anything Beau could, I can't promise I can work miracles, especially alone." Rani stared at Jeremy. "Beau stressed how important it is to not use a hospital, but before we talk any further, you need to know, if it comes down to life or death, and I can't manage it alone, I will call for an ambulance."

  Jeremy glanced at D.

  "Good, because so would we. No member of our team is expendable just so the others are protected. If there is a real danger of death or even permanent injury, we wouldn't stop you. By joining this team, it would mean we put full trust in you for all medical decisions. We would trust that you would do all you could, protect the team at all costs unless it was something so drastic that you could not handle it on your own. We're aware at some point, something that serious might happen. We'll deal with the fallout when and if it does, but life comes first always for the team." D looked at Beau, then at Jeremy. "There isn't a member of this team or any other that I wouldn't give up my freedom for. I'd give up my life to protect each and every one of them." It was something he was sure every member of STK would do. What they did was important, but not enough that they would let any member die because of it. "You have my word, if you say it's serious enough for a hospital, we go that route, no questions asked." He looked at Jeremy, hoping he was speaking for them both.

  "I agree. When it comes to medical things, you are the final say." Jeremy nodded.

  Beau sighed. "Let's just hope it never gets to that point."

  "Exactly." Rani nodded. "I don't plan on ever having to, but then none of us plan on coming close to dying. That was my main concern. Even though Beau assured me you'd be okay with that, I needed to hear it from you."

  "You know what we do? The graphic details?" D asked.

  "I do. Castration is a justifiable punishment for the people you hunt. And what you do to the women, well, that is deserved as well." Rani leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. "As Beau told you, I was fighting against female genital mutilation in my country. Women are treated as property by many in my region. It's not as bad as it used to be for females, but most are still mutilated when they are young. The infection, the damage, the irreversible carnage that was done to some of these young girls made me sick. I wanted to do the same to the men who hurt them. This is no different. I am okay with what the team does."

  The determination and anger in Rani's eyes gave D the confidence that Rani wouldn't change his mind once he started and became more involved with what they did.

  "I have a question, and I'm sorry if it offends you, but I heard in Islam that castration is banned. I know Beau said you'd left Islam, but being raised in the religion, I wanted to be sure this won't be an issue for you."

  "It won't be. I've left it completely behind. I disagreed with many of the teachings. I won't go into a rant about why and what was practiced in the region I was raised in, but I will just say, I'm glad to be gone. I'm looking forward to living here in America where everyone is treated equal and is free to think and do what they please for the most part. To be in New York for the time I was able to see men and women both free to live as they choose, women doing jobs I'd never dared think of them doing back home. In Oman, you are told who you will marry, how you will live, and sometimes even what job you will do. Here, it's not that way. People have choices." Rani glanced at Beau. "In my country, Beau would be hanged for living with another man. It's a different world there. One I will not miss."

  D reached for Jeremy's hand. "So you won't have an issue if Jeremy and I are sleeping together?"

  "No, none at all," Rani answered without hesitation. "I had no issues with it even when I first met Beau before I chose to leave everything behind and still was forced to live by the laws and ways of my family." Rani glanced at Jeremy. "Are you really together or was that just a test?"

  Beau laughed.

  D gave Jeremy's hand a squeeze. "We aren't a couple, but we do have sex. You will probably see us flirting. We just wanted to be sure you would be comfortable with that."

  "I don't have any issue with anything like that," Rani promised.

  "I also mentioned to Rani that he would be required to join in most training sessions, be it at the shooting range, lock picking, hand-to-hand combat, all the stuff Bry made us do," Beau said.

  "I haven't even started any of that yet, but I agree. All team members should know everything, even if they aren't going out on the stings. You never know when someone will play Lone Ranger and go out on their own." D stared at Beau, remembering when he'd gone and done a sting on his own with only Carter and Trenton to back him up from home.

  "My father
taught me to shoot, but it's been a while, but the rest I would be happy to learn. I would even like to help with the computer side of things if you need it. I'm not an expert, but I know my way around enough, I can search for things if you need me to." Rani glanced at Jeremy, then back to D. "Beau also mentioned you'd be okay if I stayed here until I found an apartment?"

  "Beau is wrong." D shook his head. When Beau and Rani's eyes widened, he grinned. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you want to. Once the team is active and working a few nights a week, the money will come fast. It won't take long before you can buy a home if you wish to. You're welcome to stay here until then if you want. There's no reason to pay rent on someplace if you don't want to."

  Rani looked relieved. "I will take you up on that. I hope to get a job at one of the hospitals, but I'm not sure doing what, and I also plan on looking into what I need to do to get licensed in Colorado, but that is going to be a long process. With all of that, and working with you, I wouldn't be home anyway. I really appreciate the offer."

  "Do you have any questions for us?" Jeremy asked.

  D realized he was still holding his hand. It seemed natural, so he continued to do it, wondering if Jeremy was aware of it.

  "I don't think so. Beau explained a lot. He said you are hoping to get several more team members, and that in time, you'll be going out and doing what you do a few nights a week, right?"

  Jeremy nodded.

  "I will need to fly back to New York for a day or two and pack the rest of my clothes and things, but I can fit it all in two suitcases. I'll turn in the keys to my apartment, then be here whenever you need me." Rani looked around. "If you want to hire me."

  Jeremy glanced at D and he nodded.

  "We do." Jeremy tugged his hand from D's and offered it to Rani. "Welcome to the team."

  "Thanks." Rani's smile matched the relief that seemed to sweep through his body. It was as if all the tension left him hearing Jeremy's words.

  "It will be a pleasure to work with you." D shook his hand, then glanced at Beau. "Did you warn him about Faith?"

  "The teenage doctor?" Rani grinned. "He told me about her and warned she would come to visit and insist on assisting me."

  D laughed. "You may end up assisting her. She's no-nonsense when it comes to her doctoring."

  Beau smiled like a proud father. "She's amazing. I think she'll like you." He smacked Rani on the shoulder. "I'm glad you're here. It will be nice to have someone to discuss things with on a medical level. We may be in different states, but if you need anything, I'm just a phone call away."

  "Thanks." Rani smiled. "This is so good. I was so worried about what I was going to do. New York is so expensive. I couldn't have stayed there long. When I talked to Beau and he told me to fly out and meet him here, I wasn't sure what to expect, but this is more than I could have imagined. I really thank all of you."

  "I'm glad you were willing. The team needs you. You'll be a great asset. I don't know if I mentioned it, but you aren't stuck here. If you find this isn't for you, you can quit at any time. All we ask is you keep quiet about who we are and what you know," Beau told Rani. "If this gets to be more than you expected, talk to these two about it."

  "I will, but I think this is going to be a perfect fit. I'm looking forward to working with you." Rani smiled at them.

  "Well, why don't I take you down the hall and show you the medical room? Then, once we are done there, these guys can tell you where to sleep." Beau stood.

  "All the rooms upstairs are available other than the one you're using, Beau. D and I will be staying in the room down here tonight." Jeremy glanced at D.

  D nodded to Beau. "Show him the computer room and everything else." He glanced at Rani. "I'll have money for you tomorrow. Consider it an advance. If you need anything at all, let us know. We know how it is to start over in a new place. As a team, we're also family, so please, don't hesitate to talk to us about anything."

  "I promise." Rani took a deep breath. "Thank you."

  As D watched him follow Beau out of the room, he turned to Jeremy. "Well, one more team member down, several more to go."

  Jeremy wrapped his arm around D's waist. "We'll find them."

  Taking comfort in Jeremy's touch, he nodded. "I sure hope so."


  Jeremy was pleased with how things were coming along. They'd spent the week going through the notebook Carter left them, making sure that everything was in place. It was a lot of little things, but each one played a big part in making the team work. Most of it was stuff he'd had to handle since it was on the computers, but both D and Rani helped as much as they could.

  Rani was amazing. Not only had he been working to set up the medical room with everything he needed, he had also taken the time to sit down and create a detailed identity on the dark web to help Jeremy hunt down pedophiles and evidence. The more time he spent with Rani, the more he liked him. The culture shock Rani was experiencing was obvious, but he didn't shy away from it. He welcomed the changes and the information, trying to learn all he could from it.

  "Hey, I just got pizza if you're hungry." D walked into the room.

  Jeremy rolled his shoulders before clicking off his computer. "Yeah, I could eat." He stood, turning to D. "You find anything?"

  D shrugged. "A few leads to check out. One is a female who is very actively campaigning for any convicted sex offender found guilty of abusing a child under ten to face the death penalty. She hasn't got a lot of traction yet, but slowly people are starting to support her."

  "Makes sense. With the fear of death, maybe these pedophiles will think twice before hurting a child. I'd back her."

  "The question is, will she back us?" D was working hard, trying to find team members, but it wasn't easy knowing who to trust.

  Jeremy leaned in, dropping a kiss on D's lips. "Follow your gut."

  "My gut is saying trust no one and go do all these by myself, but I know that isn't right. I think I'll arrange a meeting with this woman, see if I can get a feel for her." D rested his forehead against Jeremy's shoulder. "It shouldn't be this hard. The way I see it, there should be people lining up to protect the children, no matter how it's done."

  "I agree." Jeremy wrapped D in a tight hug. "But not everyone can stomach what we do. It's easier for most people to act like it's not happening. Turning a blind eye to it makes it not so real, not so horrible."

  D sighed as he straightened. "I just want a strong team in place so we can get to work. It's killing me knowing the kids are out there and we are sitting here doing nothing to save them."

  Jeremy agreed. "We're getting closer to being able to. With Rani here, I feel better about you going out. I've got a few cases almost ready if you want to start going out once a week or so while we continue to look for other members." He gave D's hand a tug. "Let's go eat."

  He led Jeremy out to the kitchen where Rani was mixing a pitcher of Kool-Aid to drink. The three of them got along great living together. Even though they had their own homes, Jeremy had only been home a couple times over the last week. He liked being at the STK house with everyone. He was sure once they got things moving, and more members, he would go home more often, but for now, when he was home, he was thinking about how much work he had to do here.

  D grabbed a soda out of the fridge and held it up to Jeremy.

  "Thanks." Jeremy took it and sat down. "Thanks for the pizza."

  "Welcome." D sat down beside him.

  "So, I have a list of medical equipment I need. Do I just give it to you or do I order it myself?" Rani asked as he sat down with them.

  "Give it to me. I'll order it all today." Jeremy set a large slice of pizza on the plate in front of him. "You also need to decide on a car."

  Rina frowned. "I feel bad getting a car from you guys. I mean, you've already done so much for me."

  D waved his hand. "It's what the team does. Don't worry about it. You'll see as we build that money isn't an issue. You need a car around here.
The buses will slow you down. Get something that will drive well in the snow though. I've been told the winters here can be bad."

  "How does the team make so much money?" Rani asked.

  While D explained how they funneled the money out of pedophiles' accounts before each sting, Jeremy focused on what he had to do the rest of the day. He'd been in contact with Carter to figure out a bit more on how to set up personal banking accounts and launder the money that he would deposit into them. Once he'd seen how Carter had set things up, he was impressed with how perfect a system it was. He'd also gotten all the information on how to invest the team's money. While he'd never been poor, Jeremy never had this kind of money in his life, and they were just getting started making what they would.

  With Rani joining, he realized he would need to go through the process of setting things up with each new member, and he wanted to get it right. Carter had set him and D up before they came, but he wanted to be able to do all the work himself from now on instead of calling Carter up for help every time.

  He also needed to shop. With the three of them living in the house most of the time, food went fast. Rani was a great cook, and they'd been trying things that were common in his country, which were really good.

  "Jer, you listening?" D grabbed his shoulder gently.

  "What? Sorry, was thinking over banking stuff. What's up?" Jeremy glanced at his two friends.

  "I'm going to go see if I can talk to this Jessica lady and get a feel for if she'd work with the team. Rani says he wants to go look at cars. Do you want to go with him?" D asked.

  "Um, sure. I'm up for car shopping." He smiled at Rani before looking at D. "Are you sure you should go out? If anyone is up on the news of your escape from California it's going to be someone who is actively fighting the same cause we are."

  "I don't have a choice. I need to get a team together. I can't stay hiding forever. Hopefully, if she does recognize me, she'll stay quiet. I mean, I'm asking her to join us. I wouldn't be doing that if I didn't think she could keep her mouth closed." D wiped his mouth with his napkin before reaching for another slice of pizza. "I feel like my life is on hold and I hate it. I want to get out and do things, live a little."