Randy (Tales of the Merman Book 2) Read online


  © 2014 by E.M. Leya

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  Emma Marie Leya on Facebook

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  This book is a work of fiction. References to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or persons or locales, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  It seem like so much has happened since I put the first merman book out. It's been an amazing ride and I have met so many wonderful friends and fans along the way. I can't wait to see what the next few years bring.

  All my books take a team, and I couldn't have done this without Carolyn, Karissa, Adriana, Kelly, Marica, Mat. In addition, a special shout out to my daughter who puts up with me in my writer's daze and who is the biggest cheerleader I have. I love you!


  Randy swam hard, trying to distract the shark from the newer clansman he was training. The shark darted toward him and then turned at the last minute, taking off after a skinny, scared eighteen year old. Cursing, Randy called for help, using the clicks and squeaks that his people used to communicate under water. He took off after the shark, trying to turn it back toward him.

  He couldn't let the shark get to the younger ones. Many of the boys had only been with the clan for several days, and were still learning how to swim and use their fin. His heart pounded as he swam straight at the shark. He needed a way to draw the shark's attention back to him.

  Not having time to debate about how stupid it was, he pulled out the dagger that he had tied to his wrist and slashed his arm. Blood spread from the wound, flowing into the dark water as he made another slash across his stomach. There was no pain, or if there was, he didn't feel it. His adrenaline was racing too fast for him to focus on anything other than saving the others.

  The blood seeped around him, a dark cloud that swirled as he swam, trailing behind him as he drew closer to the large beast. The shark was a good fifteen feet long. His body thick and scared, telling Randy that this predator had won many battles in its life.

  The scent of the blood caught the shark's attention and he paused, his body turning as he sought out the direction of the smell. Randy swore the damn thing smiled before it adjusted his direction away from the younger clansmen and shot like a spear through the water.

  Randy had only seconds to react, twisting his body to the left and diving deep, praying the shark would lose him in the dark depths. It was pointless. The scent of his blood was like a beacon, leading the giant creature to its prey.

  With a final call for help, he once again sounded his plea through the water. Chances of anyone reaching him in time were slim, and as he pushed deeper into the water and the shark's shadow cast over him, Randy closed his eyes and readied himself for the impact. It came faster and harder than he thought it would, the shark's nose hitting him hard in the side. His body went flying through the water, rolling and flipping head over fin uncontrollably.

  It was over, there wasn't a chance he could recover and make an escape before the shark caught and devoured him as his next meal. Randy held his breath, ready for the killing bite that would tear him in half. The water current shifted around him as the shark approached and he closed his eyes.

  Clicks echoed through the water. Help was on the way, but it would be too late for him. At least they would be able to save the new, younger merman from attack. That was really all that mattered. They were the future and it was his job to keep them safe.

  Sharp teeth ripped into his fin, sending pain throughout his body. He screamed as the shark shook him and then rolled, twisting his fin and body with excruciating strength. He heard the sound of his clansman arriving as the shark jerked his body again and darkness overcame him.


  Tevon prepared the clinic for the arrival of the patient as soon as word reached him of a shark attack. His pulse raced as he laid out instruments and other items he knew he would need to treat a bite. No one seemed to know the extent of the injury, only that a large shark had attacked the training group.

  Shark attacks were rare, but this wasn't the first he'd seen in his years with the clan. Images of the many men he couldn't save swept through his mind as he laid a sheet on one of the five stone slabs he used as a surgical table. He forced the faces from his mind as he swore to himself that he would not lose another.

  "They just pulled him out of the water. Looks like a fin wound. Not sure how bad." His assistant, Melan, rushed into the room and pulled a thin robe over his naked body.

  Tevon wore the same kind of robe, his thick brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. He reached for the syringe. The first thing he would need to do is get the man's pain under control so he could evaluate the injury. The greenish liquid came from a rare fish. The simple poison harmless to his people, but it held a strong numbing effect that would ease any pain the injury caused. It would last a few hours, and that would give him time to operate and try to repair what damage he could.

  He refused to fail. It was too painful to watch another die. He would save this one.

  A rush of men entered the cave's chamber, carrying a large man on a fur blanket. The smell of blood filled the room and his trained nose could smell the scent of bowel, telling him this was more than a simple bite. There was internal damage, and from the look of the man as they laid him on the stone slab, a lot of it.

  Tevon's chest tightened as he got his first good look at the damage. The side of the fin was nearly torn from the man's body. The hipbone protruded at an unnatural angle as skin and other tissue he had yet to identify, clung to it in pieces.

  As the other men stepped back, Melan moved closer and started to turn the unconscious man to his back from his side.

  As the large man rolled, Tevon sucked in a breath. "This is the king's brother."

  One of the men that brought him in stepped forward. "Yes. Randy. He is in charge of training all the newly transitioned men. He was teaching a group how to hunt when the shark caught them by surprise. He cut himself to draw attention away from the younger ones."

  Tevon cursed as he looked at the slice across the man's stomach and another down his arm. The amount of blood lost was dangerously high. He glanced up at his assistant, pleased to see he was already setting up
an IV into the man's good arm and starting a pint of blood.

  Grateful for the training he received from the human's medical school, he reached for the syringe and gave Randy several shots around the injury point. The last thing he need was for him to wake up in pain while he was operating. He longed for the equipment and electricity that the humans had. How much easier this would be to treat if he could use the simple modern conveniences. Still, he wasn't going to let a lack of supplies stop him from saving Randy's life. He wouldn't lose another.

  This would be easier if Randy could shift to his human form. The human body was much easier to work on than the merman form. He reached up and cupped Randy's face in his palm "Randy. I need you to shift. Can you hear me? Shift if you can."

  There was no response. He hadn't really expected one. He could only do what he could and wait for the king's brother to wake and become strong enough to shift. Tevon worked at the wound, cleaning out loose skin and trying to control the bleeding. Blood still flowed over his fingers and he dug through the torn skin and muscle to find the source. Finally, finding the artery, he clamped it.

  "Someone go tell the king. He needs to be aware his brother is injured." Tevon cringed as he got a better look at the bite. This was going to take a lot of work. He didn't mind the work, but the recovery ahead of Randy would be a long one. The physical pain he would be in would be nothing compared to the mental grief he would have to go through. One thing was for sure, the man would live. He wouldn't be adding another name to those he couldn't save. "I'm going to need more pain killer, Melan. Make sure when he wakes up, he feels nothing. We are going to have to keep him calm until we can get him to shift."

  Tevon worked at stitching and trying to piece back together each artery. The crushed bone would take even more time, but it would have to wait. Shifting would help him heal faster, but there was no telling how long until Randy had the energy that it would take.

  Sweat dripped down Tevon's nose and he used the back of his arm to wipe it away. He blinked as he pulled back the flayed skin of Randy's body and realized that the tear went clear down to the tail fin. Most of the damage had been done by the harsh shaking from the shark, not the bite.

  Making sure there was no more severe bleeding, he slowly worked his way over each section of open wound, cutting away torn skin and trying to repair the muscle. It would take hours to finish, but he was devoted to doing everything he could to make sure Randy could walk or swim again.

  "Tevon?" A loud voice called to him.

  Tevon didn't need to look up to know who it was. He would know his new king's voice anywhere. He continued to work on the body in front of him. "My King, he will live. There is immense damage, but it's not life threatening."

  The king pushed toward the stone slab his brother laid on and gasped when he got a view of the damage. "Randy." There was no response as he reached for his brother's hand. The king glanced back up at Tevon. "What happened?"

  "Shark attack. I don't have all the details yet." He met the king's worried stare.

  The king turned to the guard at his side. "Go get my brothers. Let them all know what has happened. Go inland and let Everest and Sage know they need to get here now." His gaze flashed back to Tevon. "What can I do to help?"

  "Nothing for now. It will take me a few hours to repair the damage. The hard part will be his recovery. He won't be able to walk for several weeks, even with our enhanced healing. There is just too much damage."

  "Will he be able to shift? Swim?" The king brushed his fingers over his brother's cheek.

  "I hope so. If not, we will at least soak him in salt water. It will help the healing, give him strength." He moved skin away from Randy's waist and pointed. "The hip bone is crushed along with severe internal damage." He prayed he could fully repair the damage to Randy's groin.

  "Do what you have to, Tevon. Anything you need, let me know." The king bent down and kissed his brother's forehead. "My brothers and I will be in the outer chamber. Please keep us updated."

  "I will, my King." Tevon couldn't look up as he leaned in to stitch up a ragged tear in the bowel.

  He was aware of the king leaving as he continued to work. He was thankful his people were not at risk for infections as humans were. There was no need for a sterile work area. Any bacteria would be forced out of Randy's body as he recovered. Still, he wished once again for the equipment and luxury of the human hospitals. It would take much less time to repair the man with technology.

  As many changes as the people had seen over the last year, they still suffered in many ways. He glanced up to see the bag of blood nearly empty. "Melan, get another bag of blood ready."

  "Yes, sir." His assistant stepped away.

  As he started the slow process of repairing the jagged tears and shattered bone, he wondered if his people would ever have the ease and technology of the humans. He dreamed of working in a human hospital, challenging his skills. Not that he wanted emergencies like this to happen all the time, but he spent most of his time here, reading and studying. He was finding new ways to help his people, but nothing like he could do with something as simple as electricity and proper lighting.

  Truth be told, he was tired of living like it was the nineteenth century. He loved the time he was able to spend inland and study. He longed for access to the internet, a library, and even cable TV. What he hated was being surrounded by humans.

  Being the only doctor for this clan, he didn't dare leave, no matter how much he might want to. His loyalty was with the people, just as his father's had been before him. He wouldn't let his people down by leaving them without medical care. Sure, Melan might take over someday, but the man was still young and had much to learn before he could perform many of the basic duties of the clan doctor.

  Randy moaned and Tevon quickly pulled the needle he was using away from the man in case he struggled or moved. He learned years ago that the confusion after an attack caused many different reactions.

  "Easy, Randy. Try not to move."

  Randy surprised him by staying still as his eyelids fluttered and he slowly opened them to stare up at Tevon. He blinked several times and then looked around him. "The bastard didn't kill me?"

  Tevon laughed. "He must not have liked the way you tasted. You were lucky."

  "I can't feel my legs." Randy reached down toward his legs with his bandaged arm.

  Tevon grabbed Randy's hand before he could reach down into the open wound. "That's because I have numbed you. The shark tore your hip and fin up pretty good. I need you to shift if you have the energy. It will help you heal faster and make it easier to repair the damage."

  Randy licked his lips and closed his eyes as sweat beaded on his forehead. Tevon watched as a slight shimmer started to form around the man's body, then faded away, leaving him still in merman form.

  "Why can't I shift?" Randy frowned.

  "You lost a lot of blood. You are probably still too weak. We will try again once we get more blood in you and you have gotten over the initial shock of the attack." Tevon glanced up at the new blood bag Melan had hung.

  "Was anyone else hurt?"

  "No, your foolish actions drew the shark to you. What were you thinking cutting yourself like that?"

  "Had to save the kids." Randy licked his lips again.

  "Well, it worked, but you could have killed yourself in the process." Tevon stepped away from the table, filled a cup full of water, and returned to his side. "Here." He eased his hand behind Randy's head to help lift it so he could drink. "You hurting anywhere?"

  "No. Can't feel a damn thing," Randy said after taking a long drink.

  "Good. You're going to be on this table for a few hours while I work on your hip and bowels. You want me to knock you out?"

  "No. I'm okay. I'll let you know if the shit wears off." Randy closed his eyes. "Be honest with me, Tevon. How bad is it?"

  "Bad enough you won't be walking for a few weeks. It's going to take some time to heal."

  "What about swimming?"

  "I have a pool in the back of the cave that we use for patients. You should be able to soak in it once we get you put back together, but I don't want you swimming for a while." Tevon reached for his needle and focused his attention back on the hip.

  Melan was slowly cleaning away the drying blood, making it easier for Tevon to see what he was dealing with.

  "Did they kill the shark?" Randy kept his eyes closed as he spoke.

  "I don't know. Your brother is outside the chamber waiting to hear how you are. I'm sure he will have the full report for you.

  "Which brother?"

  "Heath. He sent someone to get Everest and Sage. I have yet to see Barron, but I'm sure he will be along."

  A frown formed on Randy's face. "Tell them not to worry. I will be fine."

  "I did, but you know your brothers. They won't listen until they know for sure."

  "Someone needs to take over training the new clansmen."

  "I'm sure Heath is already looking into it. Don't you worry about things. You focus on healing. The sooner you can shift to human form, the better."

  "I'll try again."

  "No, give it some time. If you try too often you will waste energy, and it will take longer for you to shift." Tevon glanced at the man. "You have no idea how lucky you are."

  "Yes, I do. I thought for sure when I felt that bite slash into my side, I was gone. I heard the others call out as they arrived, but I didn't think they made it in time. I was sure I was going to die."

  "Well, you're not. At least not on my watch. Just relax, close your eyes, try and rest. I will do my best to get you back to a comfortable bed as soon as I can."

  "Thanks, Doc."

  "Just doing my job."


  Randy woke up and groaned. The medication was wearing off and his side and stomach burned as if he was on fire. He expected pain, but the burning sensation was almost more than he could bear. He bit his cheek as he tried to turn from his back to his uninjured side, but found he couldn't move. Lifting his head, he noticed restraints across his stomach, tying him to the stone slab he laid on.