Free (Save The Kids Book 4) Page 27
Jeremy laughed. "I was the only one around to feed his addiction when he got here and couldn't go out prowling."
"Fact." D laughed. "But that quickly changed." D gripped Jeremy's shoulder. "He is everything I need, everything I was searching for and couldn't find."
Jeremy smiled, his heart full, especially after the conversation they'd had in the garage. "We'd both been through a lot, had a lot of healing to do. I think that helped us find our way."
"Well, I'm happy for you. I know when I met Matt, you said you'd never settle down like I was, but I'm glad you are. I look forward to getting to know you better," Xander said to Jeremy. "But, I hear you have a sting tonight, so I'm going to leave you to work."
"I'm going to stay in here and help them get ready." Matt smiled up at Xander.
Xander kissed Matt before turning to D. "Care to show me the rest of the place?"
"Sure thing." D gave Jeremy's shoulder a tight squeeze, holding his gaze for a moment before he headed out of the room with Xander.
"Okay, show me what we're doing." Matt turned his focus to the computers.
With the sting only hours away, Jeremy needed to get everything ready. Glad for the help, he started showing Matt what they had planned. Everything else could wait.
D couldn't wait to get back home. The sting had gone perfectly, and Patrick had done an amazing job. He was almost ready to go out on his own. D was just waiting for Patrick to show the confidence in himself. There was a lot of nervousness and self-doubt still. That was normal, and he was sure in time, Patrick would be going out on his own and doing a great job.
He was happy with how well the team was working, and as soon as Jessica was back to doing stings, the team would be right where they needed to be. He'd still like to find someone else to help Jeremy, but it seemed Marshall was doing the work of two people. He just worried he'd burn out eventually.
"How long is Xander staying?" Patrick asked as they drove home.
"I'm not sure. He said he'd see how things go. I get the feeling he's here for a reason, but I know better than to push Xan to talk about shit until he's ready. Whatever is on his mind will come up when he wants to let me know." D was sure that was why Xander hadn't called to warn him they were coming. When Xander had something on his mind, he didn't want to wait to discuss it. He wouldn't have risked D telling him to wait to visit. Not that he would have. Seeing Xander, Matt, and Faith had been exactly what he needed. It eased the homesickness that hit him from time to time, and affirmed that he hadn't left that life behind completely. He might not be able to return, but that didn't mean he wouldn't see his friends still.
He was thankful Jeremy had taken to Matt so well. It had given Xander and him time to catch up. They'd spent the hours up to the sting laughing and talking about old times, and filling each other in on all that had happened since he'd left. He glanced at Patrick. "You still happy here? No regrets?"
"None." Patrick didn't hesitate. "Coming here was a good move. There was nothing left for me back home. I like the others on the team. I feel like I'm part of something for a change. I'm not just punching a clock at some job that I hate with a bunch of people I have to tolerate. I'm looking forward to getting my own place though. I want to date, check out the city, see what it's like here."
"It won't take long before you can start looking. Jeremy and I were looking at finances today and you guys should have some good money coming in. The guy we took down tonight had several accounts that Jeremy managed to clean out before we went in."
Patrick slowed as they approached the team house. "Whoever figured out how to do all this is genius."
"That would be Carter and Bryon." D undid his seat belt as they parked. "I'm still learning how they manage everything. I'm glad Jeremy understands it, because I'd be lost if it wasn't for him."
Patrick opened the car door. "Do you think I'm ready to solo yet?"
D got out of the car and met him in front of it. "The question is, do you think you're ready to solo yet? How comfortable are you? You need one-hundred percent confidence before you're ready. Until then, we team up. I want you and Jessica to walk in and do the job without having to think about it. I want you ready for any situation. I won't put your lives at risk any more than we already are."
Patrick nodded. "Maybe a few more times then."
D smiled. "I'm glad you aren't rushing it."
"Yeah, my time in jail was tough enough. I'd rather be sure of what I'm doing than risk going back."
"Me too." D pushed the door open and walked inside.
He smiled as he saw Faith, Xander, and Rani in the living room. "You didn't have to wait up." He winked at them.
Faith tossed a piece of popcorn at him from the bowl she was holding on her lap. "Everything okay?"
"Are you asking about the sting or are you hoping I got a papercut you can bandage?" D asked as he pulled his hoodie over his head.
"Knowing you, you'd let Rani help you just to make me mad." Faith stuck her lip out in a playful pout.
"I would not. You're my favorite doctor. You know that." He smiled at her. "Let me check in with Jeremy, then we can all get ready to go back to my house." He wanted to go home where he could escape team business and just relax with his friends. He made his way down the hall to the computer room, and pushed the door open to find Marshall, Matt, and Jeremy still working. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, no problems. Everything go okay on your part?" Jeremy stood, walking over, and giving him a kiss.
"Textbook." D rolled his shoulders. "What's got their attention?" He gestured to Matt and Marshall, who seemed interested in something they were looking at.
"Three new uploaded videos. Look recent. They're trying to track them." Jeremy sighed.
"You guys don't have to hang out. I've got this tonight. Go home and get some rest and we can focus on this tomorrow. It's going to take me time to figure out where these originated. I'm not even sure they are local yet," Marshall told them. "I'll work a few more hours, then grab a nap. We can pick up in the morning."
"Thanks." D was glad Marshall was willing to work alone. "You ready to go?" he asked Jeremy.
"You sure you want me to tag along? You don't want to visit with your friends alone?" Jeremy glanced over at Matt.
"Nope, I want you with us. I want you to get to know them. If you don't mind hanging out with us." D hoped Jeremy would join them. He really wanted Xander and Jeremy to get along and be friends.
"Then let me just shut down my stuff and I'm ready." Jeremy turned back to the computer.
Matt stood. "I'll be back tomorrow and we can work on getting you deeper into the dark web, Marsh. I've got a well-known profile. When people see you associated with me, they'll trust you more."
"Thanks, that saves me a bunch of time. I just really want to find out where these new videos came from. Until I do, everything else is on hold." Marshall was already typing away on the keyboard.
"Call me if there are any problems." Jeremy stood.
"Night, Marshall." D led them all out of the room.
It was nearly two in the morning, and there was no doubt that once home, they would stay up talking for hours more. He was worked up and the adrenaline still flowed from the sting, but as much as he wanted sex with Jeremy, he wanted time with Xander more.
"You ready?" Xander glanced up as they walked into the room.
"Yep, we are." D leaned into Jeremy's embrace.
Faith stood and turned to Rani. "Thanks for showing me all that stuff."
"Anytime. Tomorrow maybe you can help me hold Patrick down so I can get some blood?"
Faith laughed. "As long as I get to stab him."
Patrick paled from where he sat on the couch. "I hate needles."
D laughed. "It's part of the job. You might hate them, but when you need the blood, you'll be glad you did it."
"I don't know about that." Patrick sighed.
"I'll give you a lollipop," Faith teased.
"You've been working pediatrics with Beau for too long." Matt laughed. "Come on, let's get out of here. It's way past your bedtime." Matt slung his arm around Faith's shoulders.
Xander glanced at D. "Am I going to get lost following you?"
"It's not far." D reached for his keys.
As they headed out to their cars, D again wondered what brought Xander to visit, and how long would it be before he opened up about it. He hoped it wasn't anything serious. Things with Matt seemed fine, and Faith seemed to be doing well, so it was either something personal with Xander or something going on with the team.
"You okay?" Jeremy asked as they pulled onto the road.
"Yeah, I'm tired, and still working off the energy from the sting, but I'll be okay. Patrick did great tonight. He's almost ready to solo." D glanced behind them to make sure Xander was following.
"Matt taught me a lot tonight. I'm looking forward to going over a few more things with him tomorrow. You can tell he's been doing this longer than I have. He knows all the little hints and tricks. It might pay for me to fly out there sometime soon and spend a few days with them just to make sure I've got all this right," Jeremy told him.
"As jealous as I'd be sending you out there, it's not a bad idea. I wish I had more computer skills and could help you out."
"You have your hands full already. I couldn't do your job, so don't feel bad you can't do mine." Jeremy smiled. "Xander's not what I expected."
"You mean the big biker look?"
"Yeah, I pictured him more clean-cut."
"Nah, Xander likes the tough guy image. Keeps the boys away from Faith."
"Faith is amazing. She was asking Rani all kinds of questions about the medical care in Oman. She's going to be an amazing doctor someday." Jeremy smiled.
"She will. Ever since her kidnapping, it's been her dream. I'm not sure what happened in her recovery, but she made up her mind then and never looked back. She'll run her own team someday I bet. She's finally old enough, we don't have to hide everything from her. We still don't let her be involved, and kick her out when we have serious conversations, but she knows pretty much everything we do. I can't believe how much she's grown up in just the few months I've been gone." D sighed. "It almost seems like another life."
"In many ways it was. You have a new life here, a new name. We've both started over with new lives," Jeremy pointed out.
"I guess that's true. Still, there are sometimes that I miss my old life so much. Don't get me wrong, I meant what I said to you, I love you, and I love us being together and what we've created together, but sometimes I just miss it all."
"I know. I miss some of my old life too. It's hard not to dwell, but I keep focus on us and what we're doing. It's bigger than anything in my past was. Maybe not for you, since you were already doing this, but for me, I feel like I'm finally doing something."
"You mean you never felt that working for the CIA?" D asked.
"Nope. I mean I guess hunting down cyber criminals and terrorists was making a difference, but we go from one war to another, and it never changes. It's always something. At least here, I get to know I'm making a difference. The men and women we take down won't hurt anyone again." Jeremy shrugged.
"The women we will take down in time. We haven't had one yet. I wish we did so I could train Patrick and Jessica on that." D glanced in the rearview mirror as they came to a red light, glad Xander was keeping up. "It's so hard to train for every situation though. I just have to trust I've taught them enough to know what to do no matter what happens."
"You have. They won't take unnecessary risks."
"I hope not. It's easy to get comfortable. I did. I never dreamed I'd get arrested, never thought it would happen to me. I figured if anything, I'd end up killed." Jeremy turned onto his street.
"Yeah, like that is so much better." Jeremy laughed. "At least being arrested, you are still alive."
"True." D smiled as he pulled into his driveway. "Thanks for coming with tonight."
"Of course. I want to get to know your friends. I really like Matt, and hope to get to know Xander better. I was so busy on the computer I didn't get a chance to talk to him very much."
"Yeah, he tends to avoid the computer room. I think tech makes him nervous." D shut off the car. "I was a bit shocked when he hooked up with Matt. They are day and night, but they make it work."
"Did you and Xander ever hook up?" Jeremy asked.
D turned to him, surprised by the question. "No, it was never like that for us. We were instant friends, but I've never even thought about taking it anywhere else. In fact, the thought kinda creeps me out." D laughed. "He's my best friend. That's all he's ever been." He wondered if Jeremy was jealous of Xander, but that really didn't seem like Jeremy. It was a logical question, as much of a history as he had with Xander. "I need a beer." D pushed the car door open.
"Me too. Was a long night. Those new videos were hard to view." Jeremy met him near the path that led up to the house as they waited for Xander, Matt, and Faith.
"We'll figure out where it came from." D kissed him.
"Nice house." Faith ran up to them, a backpack over her shoulder.
"Thanks." D smiled. "Bryon or Carter got it for me. Not sure which. You want first pick of bedroom?"
"Of course." She smiled.
"Mine is at the end of the hall, all the rest are open, so grab what you want." D tossed her the keys.
She caught them and headed off.
Xander and Matt walked up, each with a suitcase. "You giving her the keys to the fortress?" Xander asked.
D laughed. "She's the boss."
"Don't encourage her." Matt sighed.
"I just told her to go pick a room before you two got in there. I'm guessing after the long drive here, you guys are beat." D led them to the house.
"Yeah, it's been a long day. We stopped in Salt Lake last night, but it was still nearly eight hours in the car." Xander looked around as they walked inside. "This really isn't you."
"Yeah, I said the same thing. If I ever decide to spend any quality time here, I'll redecorate. Jeremy and I have been spending most of our time at the team house. Grab a room, then come grab a beer if you want one."
"Perfect." Xander and Matt made their way down the hall.
D turned to Jeremy. "You have no idea how much I want to take you into the bedroom for ten minutes."
"Ten? Is that all I get?" Jeremy pulled him close.
"Tonight, it would be enough." D kissed him. When he pulled back, he smiled. "I love you."
"I love you too." Jeremy brushed another kiss over his lips. "I promise, once we get time alone, we'll spend hours in bed if you want."
"I want." D smiled.
"Break it up. I know you want to get your dick wet after a sting, but I have important stuff to talk about," Xander called as he walked into the room.
D sighed. "I knew it. When you didn't call to warn me you were coming, I knew something was up." He turned from Jeremy and went to the fridge. "Beer?"
Matt and Jeremy nodded.
"I'll take one." Xander looked around. "We in the kitchen or the living room?"
D shrugged. "How big is this conversation going to be?"
Xander shrugged. "Honestly don't know. Could go either way."
"Living room." D handed everyone a beer and walked out of the kitchen. He never liked surprises, and his gut was telling him he wasn't going to like this one. Whatever was up with Xander wasn't going to be good.
Jeremy sat beside him on the couch. "You want privacy?"
D glanced at Xander. "Do we?"
Xander stared at him. "Does he know about your past?"
D nodded.
"Then it's best he stays here." Xander sat down in a chair, Matt taking the one across from him.
"What does this have to do with my past?" D sat forward. "I thought this was about you." His stomach turned at the thought of talking about something from his past. He liked to try and forget it.
Xander sighed
. "Your dad's dead. He had a heart attack last week."
D sucked in a breath, shocked at the news. He stared at Xander for several seconds before swallowing hard, fighting a mix of emotions. "How do you know?"
"Carter. He and I have always kept tabs on your parents. At first, it was to make sure they weren't abusing anyone, but then it just became a habit to keep up on what they were up to," Xander admitted.
"You didn't tell me?" D glared.
"I figured you would be mad if you knew." Xander looked at him, guilt filling his eyes.
"Well, fuck yeah, I'd be mad. I'm fucking pissed. I told you to let it go. You swore after what happened with your dad that we would walk away and forget about my parents. All this fucking time, you and Carter have kept up on what the motherfuckers are up to?" D shook his head. "Fuck you, Dude."
Jeremy rested his hand on D's shoulder, but he shrugged it off.
"Dys, you have to understand why we did this." Xander stared at him.
"No, I don't have to understand. Once you figured out they weren't raping other kids you should have dropped it. Once you realized the only kid they felt like messing up was their own son, you should have fucking walked away." D stood. "Fuck you, Xan, and you can tell Carter to fuck off too!" He turned and walked out of the room to the back door, pushing it open and walking out on the balcony.
He stared out over the darkness of his backyard, trying to process what he'd been told. His emotions were all over the place. His fucking father was dead. How was that supposed to make him feel? He closed his eyes as his grip tightened on the railing of the deck.
How dare Xander and Carter hide something like this from him? If he wanted to know what was going on with his parents, he would have asked. He would have found out for himself. They had no business watching them.
The news was the last thing he'd expected. He could have sworn that whatever brought Xander to visit was because of something Xander was going through. He was pissed that he'd been lied to all these years.
The sliding glass door opened and then shut, but D didn't turn around.
"You okay?" Jeremy's voice was soft as he leaned against the railing with D.